Ini adalah Rangking terbaru FIFA
Last Update : 17/11/2014
Rank | Team | Total Points | Previous Points | +/- | Positions | Avg. | AVG WGT | Avg. | AVG WGT | Avg. | AVG WGT | Avg. | AVG WGT | ||
1 | 1669(1668.83) | 1765 | 0 | 1038.02 | 1038.02 | 566.64 | 283.32 | 751.00 | 225.30 | 610.96 | 122.19 | ||||
2 | 1565(1564.51) | 1631 | 0 | 949.24 | 949.24 | 583.64 | 291.82 | 809.86 | 242.96 | 402.45 | 80.49 | ||||
3 | 1420(1420.20) | 1488 | 0 | 790.30 | 790.30 | 636.15 | 318.08 | 729.69 | 218.91 | 464.54 | 92.91 | ||||
4 | 1388(1388.08) | 1444 | 1 | 778.13 | 778.13 | 718.22 | 359.11 | 549.95 | 164.99 | 429.25 | 85.85 | ||||
5 | 1375(1374.53) | 1456 | -1 | 860.24 | 860.24 | 562.68 | 281.34 | 396.79 | 119.04 | 569.55 | 113.91 | ||||
6 | 1307(1307.29) | 1291 | 0 | 799.92 | 799.92 | 624.11 | 312.06 | 391.47 | 117.44 | 389.36 | 77.87 | ||||
7 | 1191(1191.23) | 1202 | 2 | 748.38 | 748.38 | 405.24 | 202.62 | 452.27 | 135.68 | 522.75 | 104.55 | ||||
8 | 1184(1184.11) | 1243 | -1 | 622.61 | 622.61 | 616.90 | 308.45 | 414.32 | 124.30 | 643.76 | 128.75 | ||||
9 | 1175(1174.69) | 1150 | 2 | 662.42 | 662.42 | 440.74 | 220.37 | 645.58 | 193.67 | 491.17 | 98.23 | ||||
10 | 1119(1118.61) | 1228 | -2 | 395.19 | 395.19 | 726.83 | 363.42 | 763.94 | 229.18 | 654.09 | 130.82 | ||||
* Provisionally listed due to not having played more than five matches against officially ranked teams
** Inactive for more than 18 months and therefore not ranked
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